Thursday 29 April 2010

Gift Giving

Posted on 15:48 by neelam

Gift giving is an important part of human interaction and a gesture of showing kindness to the people that individuals are close to. Gift giving builds relationships with other people as it brings family and friends closer. An example of gift giving is on occasions such as birthdays, anniversary, Valentine's day and Christmas. Examples of gifts include memorable products such as:

*Picture frames

Solomon (2000), states that in the gift process consumers tend to procure the perfect item, however the price tag has to be removed in order to give it to the recipient.

Reasons for gift giving:

There are many reasons for why gifts can be given to people for example gifts can be given for personal reasons and professional reasons. Buying a gift for someone can be a difficult job as the buyer has to make sure the gift is likable by the other person. Personal gifts are given to family and friends and professional gifts are usually given to co workers on occasions such as Christmas and Birthdays.

Gift giving impacts on organisations and consumers as it links to both buyers and recievers. The advantages of gift giving to marketers is that the product brought by the buyer is established by the reciever by word of mouth, therefore this enables a peruasive impact on both the buyer and reciever.

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